
Financial Planning

Solopreneurs: Unique Needs, Solo 401K, and More!

Solopreneurs are innovative, hard-working, and exciting people. Self-employment can be a really wonderful and rewarding career path. There are many financial planning implications to consider, especially if you are a one-person operation. You have many unique challenges that I’d like to talk about from my perspective as a fee-only financial planner. I wrote an article […]

Solopreneurs: Unique Needs, Solo 401K, and More! Read More »

Fee-Only vs. Fee-Based Financial Advisor

Fee-Based vs. Fee-Only Financial Advisors At its simplest, Fee-Only advisors only get compensation directly from their clients.  Fee-Based advisors can charge their clients fees, but they can also get a commission on insurance sales and revenue sharing based on investment options chosen. Imagine you go to the doctor, and the doctor does not charge you

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Financial Planning for Dual-Income Families

Financial planning for dual-income families (also called two-income households) obviously consists of all the normal financial planning. However, there are some challenges and opportunities unique to two-income families. The specific challenges and opportunities will depend on the life-stage of the family. For example, Generation X financial planning may revolve around paying for college or ramping up retirement

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